Membership Application

Welcome to the Western CT Military Officers Association!

Please fill out this form with as much detail as you can and SUBMIT. Be sure your email address is correct.  Items with an *asterisk* are required.

WCMOA Membership Application

Use this form to formally submit your application to the Western CT Military Officers Association. We encourage you to join our national organization MOAA (Military Officers Association of America) but this is not a requirement at this time.

  • The rank at which you retired or separated from the service.
  • We wanna know if your service buddies gave you cool name while you served!
  • Your branch of service when you retired or separated. (Pull Down Menu) If you served in more that one service, tell us that below under Military Experience.
  • (Pull Down Menu)
  • Example: 1995 - 2002
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Enter your primary contact number.
  • Optional
  • Enter your MOAA nimber or N/A if not a member yet.
  • Such as military or veterans clubs, schools, charities, public service, community organizations.
  • Please tell us where you work and what position you hold. (Or N/A if Fully Retired)
  • Units, installations, accomplishments, military schools, wartime campaigns & conflicts.
  • Jobs held. Please list your curent employer, if applicable.
  • Please list any desires and talents you have that could benefit our organization, such as public relations, charity voluteer experience, website design, recruiting, public speaking, etc.

Dues – WCMOA has several different membership opportunities – Annual/Multi-year, and Lifetime:

Annual:   $30     ($30/year)
3 Year:     $50     ($16.66/year)
5 Year:     $75     ($15/year)
LIFETIME:   $200
Over 80+ and Auxiliary Members:  FREE

To join our ranks, please fill out and submit a Membership Form or contact Will Seeley, President, on  or +1-203-448-7532.



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