Medical research has found a direct correlation with Vietnam veterans who served in the Navy on ships within a certain distance of the mainland and the number of Agent Orange cases these sailors had. Winds blowing out to sea, the water they used and other conditions caused this. Recently the House of Representatives unanimously approved the Blue Water Navy bill allowing the VA to treat these sailors as casualties of Agent Orange who were exposed.
The former Secretary of the VA, David Schulkin supported this bill becoming law. The House recently approved the bill in their chamber, unanimously. Now it goes to the Senate. However, the new VA Secretary, Robert Wilkie, has asked the Senate not to enact this into law until further research is done which will take until the end of 2019, at earliest. (for more details go to:
We feel this is wrong! Why should our Naval Vietnam veterans who are suffering the effects of Agent Orange be denied medical care at the VA at this time.
HERE IS WHERE WE NEED YOUR HELP: Please write, call or email Senator Blumenthal and Senator Murphy to tell them you strongly want them to support this bill when it gets to the Senate. Emailing the senators is very easy and quick to do. Just Google their name and it will indicate, “Contact Senator xxxx”.
Or, if you’d rather call the two senators, they are:
Senator Chris Murphy: 860-549-8463
Senator Blumenthal: 860-258-6940
Every type of communication that goes to the senator’s offices is counted and recorded. Your “vote” on this matter counts. And the contact will be greatly appreciated by the Naval Vietnam vets who are suffering from the affects of Agent Orange and need the medical treatment at the VA now.
“THANKS” in advance for doing this.