Veteran’s VA & Chioice Care Update

Last week, the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee approved S. 2193, a comprehensive VA health care bill, which includes provisions to overhaul the agency’s community care program, provide additional funds to improve the VA health care system and extend VA’s comprehensive family caregiver program to veterans of all eras.

On December 7, 2017 DAV joined with 25 other service organizations asking all Senators to push for approval of this landmark legislation (click here to read the letter), and we need everyone who cares about veterans make sure their voice is heard.

VA has been purchasing care in the community through the Choice Program, but this program has been troubled since its rocky implementation. S. 2193 contains numerous provisions DAV supports based on our resolutions, including one that would leave the decision to receive community care between veterans and their clinicians

Free card for veterans

All veterans with an honorable discharge status are now eligible to apply for a free ID card from the VA. It is essentially a government issued verification of veteran status. Simply put: it’s proof you’re a vet. Need to prove you’re a veteran to get a special discount or free service? This is the card in your wallet in lieu of carrying around a DD-214 with you.

Veterans with Honorable and General discharges are eligible to receive this ID card. According to a press release from the VA, eligible vets who apply should receive the card within 60 days. This is not an official government ID. If you need to prove your personal identity for official purposes, you need your passport, driver’s license, or other legal documentation.

Read more from about the card.

Veteran Affairs

It was announced new legislation has passed the House and expected to pass the Senate: The Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017. This new legislation will overhaul the current appeals process at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
The VA’s current appeals process is in desperate need of updating, and nearly half a million veterans are in limbo because of the VA’s existing backlog. Between fiscal year 2015 and fiscal year 2017, the number of pending appeals increased from approximately 380,000 to 470,000 – a more than 20 percent increase.
By overhauling the VA appeals process, this bipartisan legislation would dramatically shorten the average wait time for an appeal from five years to 125 days. This streamlined process would provide veterans with timely, accurate answers on their appeals so they can access the benefits they need and deserve.

Online Exchanges will open to Discharged Veterans

Military Exchanges – retail stores that carry everything from appliances to jewelry – will soon be opened to honorably discharged veterans, the Department of Defense announced.

The change means as many as 20 million veterans will be able to shop online at Army and Air Force Exchanges. Dubbed the “Veterans Online Shopping Benefit,” online shopping privliges will start on Nov. 11 – Veterans Day.

The only exception is liquor and tobacco.

Service Medals

There are two military service medals CT veterans may not be aware of and are eligible for (1) Korean veterans – The Korean War Medal of Gratitude; (2) Vietnam veterans – The Connecticut Wartime Veterans Service Medal. An application and copy of your DD-214 will be needed to receive the appropriate medal you may be entitled to. Contact your congressional district representative’s office for more information regarding these medals.